Friday, April 23, 2021

January 2021 Recap

Here it is end of April and I'm trying to catch up on blogging. That tells you how crazy life has been around here lately. We continue to plug through with school trying to figure out what works best for us and what needs to be changed. I mentioned previously that we were using MLFLE (masterbooks math) but I've decided I don't like it. I find it to be lacking substantial instruction and content so we have moved on the teaching textbooks for Noah and Eli and love it so far. Isaac is continuing with masterbooks and will finish out the grade 1 book this year, but we will switch to something different for next year. 

Practicing spelling our name and forming CVC words with Isaac (and Abel too). 
Here's our sweet Haddie girl. :) She's not a good car rider like Henry. She gets car sick and doesn't love to ride. Henry LOVES to ride and expects daily car/truck rides. 
Writing our numbers to 100! He can independently count and write to 100. :) He is also quite good at manipulating numbers and adding and subtracting. I'm very impressed with his math skills. 
Continued writing practice. He doesn't love writing. 
School work on a hover board? Why not?! That's the beauty of homeschool! 
It started snowing in January and didn't quit until end of February. At least that's how it felt. 
Eli hard at work. 

I somehow failed to get any pictures of Noah. He's getting "too cool" for mom's pictures. He has been steadily working on his school work as well. His confidence is improving and he's growing up. 

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