Monday, December 14, 2020

November Recap


November was a fairly quiet month for our family. No major events to report. 

 We did enjoy a class on tree identification put on by Yvette Amerman with MDC on November 3rd as well as a class on US elections (by me). It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed the class and time with our friends. Mom did not get any pictures of the day, but a friend did snap a picture of Noah and me working on the "identify the leaves" task for me. 


Isaac and I have been working on letter sounds and blending and making words with a magnetic dry erase board. Gabby was a great source of entertainment this day! 

Eli working on carrying and borrowing with addition/subtraction of double digits.

Hard at work......
Here's my little cookie making helper. No need for clothes. ha! 
I love my mornings with Noah. Coffee and school work and one on one time with my soon to be teenage son. Time slow down, please. 
Isaac working on scissor skills, letter sounds, and blending. 
Handwriting practice. 
We are still loving our homeschool life. The boys are still doing karate and enjoy it very much. Travis has been busy at work. We've been seeing more and more very sick covid19 patients and things still look and feel very strange in todays world. I'm still working 1-2 days/week. Aunt Miss substitutes for me on those days when Travis and I both work. Life is different for everyone right now, but life goes on. Looking forward to Christmas and seeing what 2021 has in store for our family (and this world).

1 comment:

  1. It's pure delight watching your embrace and absorb your new homeschool life. It's an honor to walk alongside you. Love you, friend.
