Sunday, September 6, 2020

Wrapping up Summer

 We have been trying to soak up as much sun and summer as we can this past week. We enjoyed a class on pollinators the MDC hosted and enjoyed building our own bee houses

After the class, we met some friends at the lake and enjoyed what was likely the last [outdoor] swim of the year. 

We also spent some time at our "campsite" which is a property owned by my uncle not far from our house. We could certainly camp on our property, but the dogs would not leave us alone and his property has more fun places to explore! 

We've been doing a lot of nature studies recently while the weather is nice. We're learning about plant identification, tree identification, animal tracks, animal habitats, and animal habits (behaviors/what they do/etc). Learning does not need to take place in a classroom or building. Learning can happen anywhere on any day. 

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