Sunday, December 31, 2017

2k17 in Review

As 2017 draws to a close I thought it a good time to review what this year has looked like for our family.

Travis continues with his second year as a hospitalist at MMCC. He never had much interest in acute care until accepting this position but has discovered he loves it and actually prefers it to family practice. He loves his work and MMCC is a wonderful place to work.  So much so,  in fact,  that I accepted a position there as well. I am now working there as an occupational therapist.  It was hard to leave my work family at NRMC, but I simply couldn't pass up this opportunity. I work 2.5 days a week so I still get to be home most of the time with my boys.  That doesn't make returning to work this week and leaving the best part of our 2017 at home any easier.

The BEST part of 2017 came in October.  We welcomed our fourth boy,  Abel,  on the 26th. He's perfect and the perfect completion to our family. I never could have imagined God blessing me with 4 boys,  but I'm so thankful he chose me to be their mama.

In July we spent a week with Angela and Willie and got to see another new blessing from this year.  My nephew Graden was born in May and he's such a handsome little charmer. My kids love going to visit them and think all vacations should be to Kentucky.

Noah entered 3rd grade and is having a good year.  Mrs. Veatch is his teacher and she's wonderful.  Eli started school this year as well entering preschool.  He's doing very well and is having a great year with Mrs. Amen.  Isaac was a little bummed at first to be left at home,  but has since come to love it.  He has control of the t.v. and watches paw patrol 'till his hearts content. He's home with me and/or daddy or with Aunt Miss when Travis and I are both at work. He soaks up that undivided attention.  Baby brother has rocked his world a little bit, but he's taking it in stride.

2017 was a blessed year and for that we are thankful.  Praising God for his blessings as we head in to the new year.

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