Wednesday, August 10, 2022

2021 Wrap up

I have failed miserably at keeping up with my blog. Life has been too hectic. This school year has been challenging, but I think we are getting into a routine. 
Co-Op was a lot of fun!

Life Skills! Teaching my boys how to cook, clean, manage a home, and all the important things. The things that will matter far more than algebra or random history facts (although, we learn about that too)

I love to do themed nights around the holidays. Grinch night is a favorite. Roast beast, who-mash, and grinch punch! 

My brother in law made this flag for us for Christmas. It is incredible. He is crazy talented. We love it so much. And him. 


Saturday, January 1, 2022

October 2021

We were able to participate in nature classes sponsored by the Prarie Song Academy and the Mo DOC. The boys thoroughly enjoyed them and learned a great deal too! 

We were able to take a field trip to the Amtrac train station in La Plata. Lucky for us my sister was back from KY so the kids got to have their cousins join them. 

More of our nature class
Fun at co-op.

We learned about polymers in science and made rubber bouncy balls!

Isaac is constantly on the move, so we did fast facts and sight word cards on the mini trampoline. 
Our deck is one of most favorite things about our home. We use it a lot when the weather is nice. 

I finally caved and added a white board. It actually fits in aesthetically too. 

For Halloween we went to KY to trick or treat around the cul de sac my sister lives on. So much fun and so much good candy! One house even had PIZZA! 
All in all a good month.