Sunday, September 12, 2021

Summer Fun in '21!

July 1st we embarked on our journey to Florida. My father-in-law's desire was for his ashes to spread at sea. He was a navy man and we set out to fulfil that wish. It was a long drive and it rained most of the time, unfortunately, but we had a good time. 

July 1st also happens to be a very special day in our home as it is Isaac's birthday! We started the day with gifts for his 7th birthday before starting our road trip. He also got to pick out where we ate that day. He chose Mexican. It's a staple for our family. ha! 

We took a small detour so we could visit NOLA. It was really cool to see. We hope to go back sometime when we can spend more time there. 

Lots of water! We saw some really beautiful scenery and sites along the way. 

Fancy houses in Tampa. Plus more rain. 

We got a little break from the rain for a couple days and enjoyed some wonderful seafood and beach time. 

July 5th is our anniversary. It rained that evening, but we still snuck away for dinner out while Aunt Miss watched the boys. 

Hurricane Elsa was predicted to make landfall early on the 7th so we decided to leave the evening of the 6th just to be safe. We spread Lloyd's ashes in the rough waters of the gulf outside of Tampa and then we headed north. We drove until around 3 a.m. and stayed the night in Dalton, GA. The next day we did a little sight seeing at the site for the civil war Battle of Chickamauga.

The beautiful smokey mountains. 
After we lost Henry, I reached out to Olsi's bassetts, the breeder from which we got Henry, to see if they would have a sibling to Henry. They didn't have a full sibling, but they did have a half. So, we welcomed Huck to our home. He's helping patch that hole in heart from losing Henry. We could never replace Henry, but at least we can still have a part of him here with us through his half brother. 
Eli's birthday sleepover! 

The net was supposedly broken. lol

Summer fun!

Our chickens got big!
July birthday party!



On May 20th, the day he turned 2 years old, I got a call that my Henry basset had been hit and killed by our neighbor. To say I was devastated would be a gross understatement. I sobbed for days. My heart was broken and it ached in the depths of my soul. I loved that dog. So much. He was truly one of kind. There will never be another Henry. It has taken me awhile to catch up on blogging and this one is especially hard as it's gut wrenching to re live. I miss you Henry.