Saturday, July 24, 2021

School Year Wrap Up!

Spring brought some new life to our home. We participated in an embryology program through the University of Missouri extension office and hatched 8/12 of the eggs we received. Naturally, we kept them ;) I've been wanting chickens for awhile now so this just worked out! 

Noah has been a great help to work with his little brothers on their lessons. 

In May the boys participated in a soccer camp that was held weekly through the month of May and was sponsored by the University Extension as well. 

Lots of fishing. Eli could fish all day every day I think. He loves it. He really enjoys learning about pond life and the pond ecosystem as well. 

May and June brought baseball. 
June brought us our first family vacation of the year and we were able to incorporate some fun learning into the trip as well. 

Scenic Railway in Branson. 

We made a trip to WonderWorks Branson and we had a blast. So much fun learning within those upside down walls. We spent around 4 hours there! I didn't get a ton of pictures because we were busy! 

We also visited the Titanic museum and learned a lot about the ship and its tragic demise. 
We visited top of the rock and got to take the golf cart tour. It was an absolute blast. The scenery was incredible. 

We wrapped up our school end of June as we're doing "year round schooling." Our first year of homeschooling is in the books. We learned a lot about what works for us and what doesn't. I'm sure we have a lot more learning and tweaking to do to get that "just right" fit for our family, but we're working on it constantly. We are planning on taking a break for the month of July and possibly August and just having fun with a little learning thrown in here and there. That will hopefully give me time to prep for our new school year and get my plans in order. Year 2 here we come!