Saturday, January 16, 2021

2020 Recap

 For nearly every person on the planet 2020 will be a year forever etched in our memories. For most it has been a year full of loss, full of fear, and full of uncertainty. Despite the craziness of this year, we still received so many blessings and so much joy.

We were able to spend a lot more time at home and just slowing life down and enjoying each other. We decided to pull our children from public school to continue their education at home and that has proven to be an enormous, albeit challenging, blessing for our family. 

We managed some new family pictues. 

2020 also brought the incredible joy that is Emerson Lane. My newest nephew. He has my heart. 

Is he not the cutest?!!

Can't forget that 2020 brought the first super bowl WIN of our lifetime for our beloved KC CHIEFS!!!

 This year has not been all bad despite what the news and history books will say. Our family is blessed and no matter what happens in this world (pandemics, civil unrest, political corruption, election fraud, you name it), we know that our heavenly father is in control, that Jesus is King, and that the battle is already won. We just have to remain steadfast and keep our eyes on Him. 

December Recap..Christmas2020

 Business as usual at the Brown household this month. We continued with schooling. Noah and Eli finished the MLFALE books and are going to be using spectrum workbooks, YouTube videos, direct instruction, and for Noah we purchased the "how to ace middle school ...." series. I've decided I don't care for the MLFALE series so we won't be purchasing any more of that set. We had a fun craft day to make Christmas ornaments. 

Isaac is improving steadily on his phonics skills and letter recongition.
He also got a sharp new haircut! So handsome!!

On December 17th, we welcomed a new member to the family. Meet Haddie, our new basset hound. She is loved by all. 

Eli and Isaac had to have a little dental work done this month and they both did great throughout the procedures. 

We had a fun game day with co op.
We also set out to watch a Christmas movie every night in December and we did watch one most every night and watched pretty much everyone we really wanted to see from a "to watch" list. On The Grinch Who Stole Christmas night I made some fun food and punch. Sometimes I'm a fun mom. 
We had a wonderful Christmas. The boys declared it the best Christmas ever. It was a laid back day and we spent the majority of the day home relaxing and enjoying our new toys. We did go to Granny and Pappy's house for their Christmas that evening, but I failed to get any pictures. Our Christmas with Nana and Aunties Ang and Rachel has been suspended as my sister, Ang, tested positive for COVID19 and we had to reschedule for another time. It looks like February will be our Christmas with them.