Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Falling into Fall--September Wrap Up.

We continued with our nature studies and took a hike early in September at Sugar Creek Conservation Area. 

 It was gorgeous and fun until we decided to go off the beaten path a bit.......

and found ourselves covered in THOUSANDS of tiny, demonic seed ticks. I've never in my life seen so many ticks at one time. We learned that seed ticks are just baby ticks that are ready to and waiting for their host. Ticks lay thousands of eggs in their nest and we just happened to be the "lucky" ones to disturb their nest and become host to these annoying baby ticks. Unfortunately for Noah and Me, who were in the lead, we were the most affected. As luck would have it [insert sarcasm], we are both very sensitive to these bites. I blame the fair skin. Good lesson learned this day!!

Moving on... 

School is going well. We are loving our new found freedom of schedule and the added time to grow those family bonds. 

Eli does not love reading. He never has. But, he's actually doing quite well. Here is a video of his reading fluency beginning of our school year. I plan to do other videos to record his progress.

We also got to meet some new friends and start an art class. 

Here's Ike learning his phonics song as he prepares to be reader!!!

We have been really enjoying park days with our friends as much as we can before the weather turns cold.

Adding in lots of life skills here at home that they won't get in the school building. A bit of culinary arts on this day.

We had some fun visits with family and just enjoyed life. Emerson-- you are LOVED!! 

That wraps up September for The Brown's. On to a busy October!